Ode on Passing Your Exams
(We are so proud)

A super gift that is suitable for all exam results! A popular gift for a couple to send to a new Examinee to mark making it through their exams and even passing them. Guaranteed to hit the spot. A unique gift which is sure to be appreciated by the recipient.

We strongly recommend that you personalise this Ode for FREE by using your own title and you can also choose to place a favorite photo to replace our graphic which will create a really special celebratory gift.

Ode on Passing Your Exams

Buy an Unframed
Ode on Passing Your Exams (We are so proud)
£11.75 Includes mainland UK Delivery

Type your own FREE personalised title below as you would like it to appear on the Ode
(A maximum of 50 Characters including Spaces)
If you do not require a personalised title it will be printed as appears below

Personalise the Ode further and Email a photo to us and we will replace our graphic with yours.
Full Details Here

Please let us know if you are sending an image:-

No thanks I'll stick with your graphic
Yes please I'm sending you a .JPG image

Buy a Framed
Ode on Passing Your Exams
(We are so proud)

£23.95 Includes mainland UK Delivery

Select Your desired frame here:-

Pine - Clean, Fresh & Modern
Dark Frame - Traditional, Solid & Stylish

Type your own FREE personalised title below as you would like it to appear on the Ode
(A maximum of 40 Characters including Spaces)
If you do not require a personalised title it will be printed as appears below.

Personalise the Ode further and Email a photo to us and we will replace our graphic with yours.
Full Details Here

Please let us know if you are sending an image:-

No thanks I'll stick with your graphic
Yes please I'm sending you a .JPG image

All unframed Odes are 10" x 12" in size and come ready mounted in a cream and gold card mount.
They are delivered with a protective 2mm thick card backing and presented in a clear plastic protective cover.
All our Odes are printed on high quality paper and in high resolution.
Other Odes of possible interest: Other Special Events : Birthdays : Anniversaries
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